Upcoming Events

SOLD OUT! Afternoon at Zenfire Pottery: Feb. 23rd (2 pm - 4 pm)

Women's Trivia Night at Brch & Wyn - March 6th (6:30 pm - 8:30 pm)

Idea Lounge at the Matilda Gallery + Art Bar - April 10th (6:30 pm - 8;30 pm)
Tickets go on sale March 1st for our April Idea Lounge (Stratford). Get ready for a live art painting, creative connections PLUS meet the woman behind the gallery!

Business LeadHERship Summit at Stratford Golf + Country Club - May 5th (9:30 am - 3:30 pm)

Joyful Movement Idea Lounge at Infinity Dance - June 12th (6:30 - 8:30 pm)
It's our biggest event of the year! You don't want to miss it....stay tuned for the details to be released in March 2025!

IDEA CAMP 2025 - Monday, July 21st (9:30 am - 3:30 pm)
Stay tuned for details to follow. The theme of this year's Idea Camp will be "Rediscovering the Power of Play." You won't want to miss it - mark your calendar!